Exam Success
Our ISTD exams in February 2016 were a great success with %100 pass rate. Through out the school 33 exams were taken. A special mention
Ballet is the foundation of all dance. This gives a sound technique that passes through all disciplines. Whether your child wants to become a ballet dancer or a backing dancer on MTV, this class is for them. These classes work on technique, musicality and strength. It also develops discipline and control
We encourage all our dancers to take this very important subject to develop technique and posture that can be used in all forms of dance.
Your child will enjoy our ballet classes through beautiful music, imagination, creativity and positivity. Ballet is hard work, and nothing compares to the pride our students feel when they master a difficult move after lots of practice.
We offer graded classes in ballet. Free work and ISTD syllabus is used in these classes.
Our ISTD exams in February 2016 were a great success with %100 pass rate. Through out the school 33 exams were taken. A special mention
LKSA student Callum finch has been offered a place at the Royal Ballet associates scheme in Eastleigh. After a rigorous audition they have invited him to
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