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Lucy Kate Star Academy is a place to learn dance in a safe and encouraging environment with professional teachers who nurture each child to be the best that they can be and cherish the achievements of every child. 

Dance is great for building confidence, keeping active and making friends. Whether its just for fun or it is a dream career, there is a place for everyone here at Lucy Kate Star Academy. We want everyone to enjoy dancing and share our passion for dance and the performing arts.


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Leigh Park

Street, Stretch and Technique

Acrobatic Arts

Show Team

Miss Lucy is a highly qualified, passionate, hard working, supportive, caring and inspirational dance teacher. She works hard, establishes an excellent rapport with pupils and maintains a professionalism which is second to none. My daughter, Jessica, has made excellent progress under miss Lucy’s tuition and the skills learnt never cease to amaze me! Jessica adores Miss Lucy and selected her as her idol for Best of British Week at school! Enough said!
Dance Mom